Job Search 101: Career Change Advice

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Need help finding a job? Making a career transition? ePropelr's Career Coaches can help! Welcome to our Job Search 101 blog, a series of blog posts developed for great people like you who want to have a step up in their job search. Our Career Coaches have helped many people across the nation with their professional advice and now they are sharing their job search knowledge with you. Whether you need the best resume tips, Linkedin profile writing information, or advice on what color to wear to an interview you have come to the right place.

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Common Career Myths Exposed

August 25, 2017

Woman with surprised expressionOne thing that recent graduates and job changers have in common is a tendency to seek out the best career advice they can find. And there is no shortage of advice to be found. Whether you’re trying to figure out what kind of career is the right fit, or you’re not feeling satisfied in your current role, be very careful about the advice you heed. In this blog, we’re examining some job search and career myths that you’d be better off NOT to listen to…

No Second Chances for First Impressions

July 26, 2017

Man adjusting his tieOne of the most valuable pieces of advice we can give job seekers is to recognize that the interview process begins long before you come into the office to meet with the hiring manager. Many candidates underestimate the importance of organization and professionalism before even applying for a position. Put your best foot forward during any preliminary interaction or communication that you have with recruiters, networking contacts, HR managers, and business owners. You’re being evaluated each time you engage with someone about a job. This can seem intimidating, but don’t panic! Here are 4 tips to make sure that you’re ready to make a great first impression—during each stage of the hiring process.

5 Job Search 'Best Practices'

July 20, 2017

Woman at desk looking for a jobWe know the job search process can be overwhelming. Whether you’re in the job market for the first time, or you’re in a job that you’re not happy with, we’re here to help! You may think that that skipping a few steps is ok, but before you jump in, make sure you understand some of the key steps of a successful job search. Here are 5 basic things you should do when you’re in the job market:

Choosing Between Two Jobs

July 13, 2017

Fortune TellerIn a perfect world, every job seeker would end up getting to choose between two great opportunities; however, for those who find themselves in this scenario, the pressure of having to choose between two amazing jobs can seem pretty nerve-wracking. Don’t let the weight of this decision spoil it for you; despite the stress you’re feeling, you can write a great ending to this story! Here are 3 important things to think about that will help you do just that:

4 Ways to Land a Job When You’re Not Totally Qualified

June 21, 2017

frustrated woman at laptopHave you ever been so excited to apply to a job, only to realize after further exploration that you didn't meet all of the requirements? Don’t let a couple of unchecked boxes keep you from applying to a job that really lights your fire! If you're truly passionate about it, push onward. Sure, if you don’t meet 50% of the requirements, you’ll probably struggle to land an interview—but if you don’t meet 30% of the requirements you can often make up for this by demonstrating your “fit” in other areas. Here are 4 ways to improve your chances of getting a job when you don’t meet all of the requirements:

Ask a Career Coach

May 25, 2017

ePropelr CoachesWe are excited to begin a brand new blog series called, “Ask a Career Coach” where a member of our expert Coaching team will answer one of your most pressing job search and/or career related questions. Today’s question comes from Erica T. in Charleston, SC.

Erica: I’m new to LinkedIn and I only have a few connections. I’d like to eventually have a respectable network and was wondering about the best (and fastest) way to add connections. Also, is it a good idea to accept LinkedIn invites from people I don’t know if they look professional? What is the protocol for that? Are there any other tips or suggestions you can share with me?

Career Ideas for Working Moms

May 10, 2017

working momWith Mother’s Day this weekend, it’s a great time to talk about career ideas for working moms. If you’re constantly finding yourself torn between keeping your career going and being around for your kids, we're here to offer you some creative and inspiring ideas that will help you have the best of both worlds. Here are 12 great careers that fit in well with raising a family and can help you maintain a nice income at the same time:

Creating Chemistry in Interviews

April 27, 2017

chemistry setThe most successful interviews are the result of great chemistry. It can be a struggle to find qualified applicants. If that struggle goes on long enough, hiring managers begin to be less particular over certain requirements and then suddenly it doesn’t matter as much whether you know how to use InDesign or QuickBooks. They’re more willing to train you if they like you. Being liked is all about chemistry. Your ability to quickly establish rapport and build chemistry should be strategic. Successful chemistry building is comprised of three main things…

Interview Etiquette You Should Know

April 13, 2017

handshakeHow you behave on your interview is just as important as being qualified for the job. We’ve had so many candidates who appear great on paper but fail to acknowledge simple social graces that are an important part of making a solid first impression. Preparing for interviews is about more than checking off boxes on a job description and researching the company. To truly ACE an interview, you have to mind your manners and abide by some basic interview etiquette in order to seal the deal:

Before Seeking a New Job, Organize Your Space – Part 3 of 3

April 04, 2017

Part 3 - The Space Between Your Ears – Putting Routine Tasks on Autopilot

Now that you have selected your hotspots and have a good operating platform, you are almost ready to launch your job search for real. But, even after your great head start, if the specter of a job search still seems daunting, here are 3 simple tactics you can use to help get you off the ground:  

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