Job Search 101: Career Change Advice

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Need help finding a job? Making a career transition? ePropelr's Career Coaches can help! Welcome to our Job Search 101 blog, a series of blog posts developed for great people like you who want to have a step up in their job search. Our Career Coaches have helped many people across the nation with their professional advice and now they are sharing their job search knowledge with you. Whether you need the best resume tips, Linkedin profile writing information, or advice on what color to wear to an interview you have come to the right place.

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The Most Effective Ways to Get a Job

March 29, 2017

woman jugglingIf you’re in the job market and you find yourself getting frustrated by the process—you’re not alone! A common mistake that job seekers make is a failure to diversify their approach. Don’t put all your resumes in one basket! A successful job search involves juggling different moving pieces, and you have to get creative with how you search for jobs and prepare for interviews. If you’re not getting the results you'd like, try a new approach. Here are 7 different job search strategies:

4 Things You Don't Need in Your Resume

March 16, 2017

Modern ResumeWhen it comes to resumes, we’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. Hiring managers and recruiters spend a few seconds glancing at your resume to determine if you deserve a closer look. The most important thing you can do for your resume is to format it nicely so that it’s easy to read. Aim for clean lines, consistent formatting, succinct language, and focus on the results you achieved. What can you leave out? Here are 4 things you don't need in your resume:

Before Seeking a New Job, Organize Your Space – Part 2 of 3

March 14, 2017

Part 2 - Cyberspace – Give Yourself a Virtual Advantage

phone with appsThe amount of job-related material on the internet is overwhelming; however, the good news is (1) there is no need to master all of it and (2) there is no need to even worry about most of it. Setting up a few basic tools is all you need to turn the latest technology to your advantage in the vast universe of job seekers. As raw materials, you simply need a few items you likely already have:

Before Seeking a New Job, Organize Your Space – Part 1 of 3

March 08, 2017

Part 1 - Office Space - Select a Work Station That Works

astronaut in spaceWhen embarking on a job search, you will notice immediately that you are no longer under anyone else’s chain of command. It can be very liberating to be your own boss for a time. But before you fire up the search engines for new frontiers, you should be sure to shore up your own space first.The following are a few pointers on getting your “space” organized for maximum efficiency and success:

Preparing for Pre-Hire Testing

March 01, 2017

man taking a computer testIt’s easy to stretch the truth in a job search. We’ve seen candidates exaggerate their proficiency with a certain program and even lie about their education. Most employers still check references and verify key information, but many have taken it a step further adding pre-hire assessments to their screening process. These tests cover everything from personality to sales and technical proficiencies. Employers want to make smart hires and identifying candidates who are the right fit is an important part of that process. Here is some advice on how to prepare for some common pre-hire assessments that you might encounter in your job search:

Where’s Your Sense of Urgency?

February 21, 2017

wrist watchWe tell job seekers this all the time: you must demonstrate a sense of urgency when you’re in the job market. This means you must not only work your job search consistently, but you also need to respond quickly to any requests that are made of you. Whether it’s a hiring manager who is asking for you to take a pre-hire assessment, or you’re responding to a request for contact information for references, demonstrating a sense of urgency shows employers that you are serious about the job and you value their time.

The Importance of Positive Body Language in Interviews

February 14, 2017

We’ve all heard someone say, “It’s not what you said, it’s how you said it.” While it’s a myth that 93% of communication is non-verbal, what is true is that people pick up on non-verbal cues that you’re giving off regardless of whether you intend it. Body language is a big part of non-verbal communication. You may think you’re saying one thing, but your body language might contradict it. Before you go in to your next interview, take a moment to make sure you’re not in the habit of committing any of these body language faux pas:

Answering One of the Hardest Interview Questions

February 09, 2017

guy pouring out his soulWhat is the hardest question you’ll be asked in your interview? You may receive a challenging situational question or you might be asked to solve an abstract problem—these questions are tricky and require that you demonstrate systematic and creative problem solving skills. However, we typically find that one of the most difficult questions is when interviewers say, “Tell me about yourself.” Responding to this question successfully helps you steer the interview in the right direction. So, how do you respond? Here’s our advice:

Preparing for a Video Interview

February 01, 2017

WebcamSo, you have a video interview coming up? It’s normal to feel a little nervous. Digital interviewing is still relatively new technology and most people feel understandably awkward using it. Employers use this as a prescreening tool to gauge whether you’re a fit based on things like professional polish, technology savviness, and personality. It’s also fantastic if you’re interviewing for a job that isn’t local because it lets you give an in-person impression without the expense of being flown out to interview. If you’re preparing for a digital interview, here are 5 things to think about before you begin:

Battling Job Search Anxiety

January 26, 2017

Stressed Man at LaptopBeing in the job market is stressful. If you find yourself dealing with job search anxiety, know that you’re not alone. There isn't one “right way” to conduct a job search, but there are little things that you can do to help make your search more manageable and effective. Regardless of the circumstances that brought you here, the hardest part is getting started. Here are 4 ways to help you manage job search anxiety and see faster results:

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