March 08, 2017
When embarking on a job search, you will notice immediately that you are no longer under anyone else’s chain of command. It can be very liberating to be your own boss for a time. But before you fire up the search engines for new frontiers, you should be sure to shore up your own space first.
Imagine you are an astronaut preparing for an exploratory solo mission into the great beyond. You will want your capsule to be comfortable and well-organized, all the controls in easy reach, and all instruments in good working order. Then you can plot your course, monitor your progress, and be prepared to react to both the expected and unexpected.
The following are a few pointers on getting your “space” organized for maximum efficiency and success:
Part 1 – Office Space - Select a Work Station That Works
Today’s technology allows you to do almost anything on the go. But when facing a large project with many moving parts, it is important to establish a stable base of operations.
Your work station should be a convenient area for you to (a) show up each day for set periods (ideally when you are at your most productive), (b) access your job search tools (computer, phone, internet), (c) perform the tasks at hand, and (d) keep yourself highly organized.
If you do not have such a place at home, you can pick any other convenient setting, but try to avoid areas with a lot of “noise” to distract you (other people talking, televisions, radio, social media, food and drink, traffic, construction, children, pets). If you cannot eliminate outside distractions, come up with ways to turn them down or off (use earplugs or noise cancelling headphones, close social media alerts or other prompts, sit facing the wall). Also, pay attention to details such as lighting, temperature, work area, seating, supplies, and ability to talk freely on the phone. Clear away any unnecessary clutter and keep any supplies you do need near at hand to avoid having to get up and lose focus.
Last, if you want to conduct a truly efficient job search, work toward maintaining access to everything on some combination of a laptop and mobile phone. For those times when you truly are on the go, almost anywhere with connectivity can become your future vocation station.
We will look more closely at some of the tech aspects of your work space in Part II - Cyberspace.
Guest Blogger: Terry Watterson
Bio: Terry is the President of Reployment and a Career Coach with ePropelr. He has a Bachelor’s degree from Rollins College and a law degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. As an attorney and entrepreneur, he specializes in products and services that help job seekers successfully navigate the career transition process.
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