
Struggling with making a career change or bouncing back from a layoff? Have you been in the job market for a while, but youā€™re not having great results? Move your search forward with help from a professional Career Coach. Receive customized advice and coaching from a job search expert.

Choose a service below and take the stress out of your job search.

Job Change Package

Job Change Package

If youā€™re starting your job search and want to be as prepared as possibleā€”look no further. Our expert Coaches are here to help you find companies to target, communicate your strengths, and offer valuable advice on how to score your dream job.

  • 6 Hours of Coaching typically allocated toward:
    • Development of professional 2-page resume
    • A Streamlined LinkedIn Profile
    • A Report of Active Job Leads
    • Insight into strengths & goals with our SelfSpecā„¢
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Career Coaching

Career Coaching

Whether you're unhappy in your current job, the victim of a layoff, or just getting back into the job market after a gap in employment, our customizable career coaching sessions will help you take control of your job search. Your Coach will work with you to create a customized strategy to help you get where you want to be!

  • Answers to commonly asked questions
  • Job search coaching, advice, and suggestions
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Practice Interview

Practice Interview

Interviewing is one of the most nerve-racking parts of a job search. A Practice Interview lets you test your skills and receive feedback from a professional Career Coach. With our help, you'll feel prepared and confident when it's time for the real interview. Interview options include: Phone, Zoom, or other virtual platform.

  • Learn how to combat interview nervousness
  • Receive valuable feedback from your Coach
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Resume Writing

Resume Writing

If you don’t have a resume, or if the one you have needs a major overhaul, don’t worry—we can help. Simply answer some questions about your education, work history, and career goals and our expert resume writers will get to work crafting a polished and professional resume.

  • Introductory call with your Coach
  • Professionally written resume
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LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn Profile

Making a positive impression on LinkedIn is an important part of your job search. Employers will check your profile and this is real opportunity for you to shine! Let us help you make a great first impression on potential employers.

  • Introductory call with your Coach
  • Professionally written LinkedIn profile
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Cover Letter

Cover Letter

A professionally written cover letter is an important part of the application process for many employers. If you're not sure how to begin, or maybe you're short on timeā€”we can help!

  • Cover Letters
  • Acceptance Letters
  • Resignation Letters
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Active Job Leads

Active Job Leads

If you needed a job yesterday, this product is for you! Your Coach will spend one (1) hour of time searching for open jobs in your area that you can apply to, and we'll send them right to you.

  • Introductory call with a Career Coach
  • Leads emailed to you with details on how to apply
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This innovative tool helps you begin the process of analyzing your strengths, likes, and professional goals and start learning how to incorporate them into your job search.

  • Access to our proprietary online SelfSpec™ questionnaire
  • Begin to understand who you are, what you want, and how you can add value for potential employers
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Articles for Professionals

5 Key Parts of a Successful Job Search

Before you seriously begin your job search, it's important to take a few critical steps to ensure that you "look before you leap" and approach your search in a smart and savvy way. It will also lead you to a stronger search with better results. If you're not quite sure what you need to do to prepare, we're here to help! Here are 5 questions to ask yourself before starting a job search.

Career Control: To Drift or Not to Drift...That is the Question

September is the ā€œnew" New Year. The end of summer, beginning of school, and the start of the 4th quarter make this a great time to re-focus on whatā€™s important in your life: relationships, work-life balance, giving back, and career. Whether youā€™re a senior executive, mid-level manager, or recent college graduate, "Career Control" is often the hardest of any new yearā€™s resolution. Here are 3 tips to focus your career efforts and avoid career drift.

5 Signs You Should Change Careers

Feeling happy and stimulated at work is a major factor in your overall quality of life. Life is way too short to be miserable every day. If you find yourself with a consistent case of the ā€œSunday Night Blues,ā€ then you might want to start reevaluating whether youā€™re in the right job. Here are 5 clear signs that it might be time for you to consider a career change:

Networking for the Life of Your Career

The New York Times recently featured an article focused on job search difficulties for 40-50+ year olds. While this is not new news, the interesting take-away is the research on the behaviors that are required to successfully find work. The research showed that the best way to improve the odds of finding a job at any age is to build a broad network throughout your career.

All Coaching Services

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