Job Search 101: Career Change Advice

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Need help finding a job? Making a career transition? ePropelr's Career Coaches can help! Welcome to our Job Search 101 blog, a series of blog posts developed for great people like you who want to have a step up in their job search. Our Career Coaches have helped many people across the nation with their professional advice and now they are sharing their job search knowledge with you. Whether you need the best resume tips, Linkedin profile writing information, or advice on what color to wear to an interview you have come to the right place.

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Should You Include a Photo on Your Resume?

September 18, 2020

If you’ve updated your resume recently then you probably did a Google search for “Resume Writing Tips” and were overwhelmed by the amount of information, advice, and opinions. There isn’t one right way to write a resume, but one question that we still get with surprising frequency is: Should I include a photo on my resume? Read on to find out what we think: 

5 Great Careers That Don't Require College Degrees

August 11, 2020

Many people assume that not having a college degree limits your career prospects significantly—but that’s not really true. It is true that you’ll need a degree to break into certain fields, but there are quite a few career paths that are in-demand that don’t require a college education (and they’re not all in sales). Whether you went to college but didn’t finish, or never went at all—here are 5 careers with strong earning potential that don’t require college degrees:

7 Digital Interview Tips You Need to Know

April 17, 2020

Digital interviews are more common than ever these days as we all navigate through Covid-19. While no longer considered unusual, they are still awkward—especially if you're not prepared. Employers are looking for technical savviness, confidence, polish, and adaptability. Demonstrating these key skills virtually takes a little finesse and a great sense of humor. What's the best way to prepare? Check out these 7 tips for acing your next video interview. 

5 Things You Can Do NOW to Prepare for a Possible Job Search

March 31, 2020

Things have changed a lot over the last few weeks due to Coronavirus. Adjusting to this new “normal” is a process for everyone. For many, the prospect of being without a job just became higher, and this adds a new layer of anxiety at an already stressful time. Whether you’ve already been laid off, or you fear that you may be in the future, here are 5 things you can do today to position yourself for better success should you find yourself suddenly in the job market.

What Matters Most to You in a Career?

October 24, 2019

Passion and interest in your work matter more than ever when it comes to job satisfaction, but what isn’t discussed often enough is the importance we all place on other things like marketability, flexibility, status, earning potential, and meaningful work. Whether you’re a recent graduate struggling to settle into the right career, or a working professional who isn’t feeling satisfied in your existing role, it’s time to ask yourself this question: What matters most in your career?

Didn't Finish College? Here are 3 Ways to Address Education in Interviews

October 17, 2019

We receive countless questions from job seekers and career changers asking how to talk about tricky educational situations. Whether you never went to college, never finished your degree, or want to know if choosing a “for profit” university will hurt your chances of getting a call back, we have some advice that will help you navigate through the murky waters that surround the education section on your resume. Here are 3 commonly asked questions (and answers) about how to address awkward educational issues during interviews:

5 Ways to Bore Hiring Managers

October 09, 2019

There are many different kinds of interviews, but most employers still seem to ask the same basic questions. Set yourself apart from your competition by offering unique, specific, and well-researched responses. Make sure you DON’T respond to standard interview questions in a way that puts the interviewer to sleep:

Think You’re Not Looking for a Job? Guess Again….

September 05, 2019

networking meetingAfter several years of low unemployment, job seekers have forgotten what it was like ten years ago to look for a job. Regardless of how happy we are in our current roles or how secure we think our positions are, job security is always an illusion—whether unemployment is low or not. A false sense of job security can cause people to neglect to forge valuable professional contacts, both in and out of their industry, because they feel networking isn’t necessary. But networking is always a good idea! Here are 5 ways you can network while employed and improve your career prospects now and down the road:

Is College Still Worth It?

April 26, 2019

We’re seeing so many college graduates entering the workforce without direction and plenty of mid-level professionals who are unhappy at work, but find the process of a career change both scary and expensive. College degrees as status symbols still exist, but how far does that really carry us these days? This topic has come up for us a lot lately—is a bachelor’s degree still worth the cost?

4 Simple Tips to Get Your Resume Past the Robots

March 22, 2019

Robot at the computerDid you know that 98% of applicants don’t even make it to the interview stage? With odds as terrible as these, your job search isn’t going anywhere if you focus all of your time on online applications and then sit and wait to be called for an interview. Get your resume past the robots with these simple but effective tips:

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