Job Search 101: Career Change Advice

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Need help finding a job? Making a career transition? ePropelr's Career Coaches can help! Welcome to our Job Search 101 blog, a series of blog posts developed for great people like you who want to have a step up in their job search. Our Career Coaches have helped many people across the nation with their professional advice and now they are sharing their job search knowledge with you. Whether you need the best resume tips, Linkedin profile writing information, or advice on what color to wear to an interview you have come to the right place.

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Has Your Style Evolved with Your Career?

September 28, 2018

style evolutionLike history, fashion usually repeats itself. However, we can all agree that some trends are best left in the past—like shoulder pads and mullets for example. Dressing appropriately is a big part of acquiring and maintaining respect and credibility as you progress in your career. Cultivating a wardrobe of professional basics is always a good idea, as is reevaluating whether the way you’re dressing is appropriate for where you are in your career. Here are 5 fashion tips that we think should apply throughout your career:

The Importance of Taking Job Related Calls at a Good Time

August 31, 2018

Impromptu phone interviews and job-related calls happen when you least expect them. If you’re in the middle of a job search and in the habit of answering calls from numbers that you don’t recognize—be prepared to graciously let callers know if it’s not a good time to talk. Why is this important? Read on to find out:

5 Resume Tips that Make a Difference

August 02, 2018

woman working on resume at computerThe main goal of a resume is to land you a job interview. Maximizing your resume “real estate” is critical, and so is conveying relevant skills and experience in a simple and direct way. Here are 5 resume tips that will help you get a call back.

3 Tips for Sending a Thank You Note

July 17, 2018

thank you noteWe’re seeing fewer thank you notes these days and we feel this is attributed both to millennials who aren’t being taught that this is still part of a formal interview process, and also to the increase in laid back office environments that give the impression that thank you notes aren’t necessary. We urge our clients to go the extra mile and believe that sending a note of appreciation still makes a difference. Here are 3 tips for sending a thank you note:

Mealtime Interview Etiquette

June 20, 2018

dinner tableThe goal of a mealtime interview is to test your behavior, personality, and social graces. There are certain behaviors that your potential boss will be evaluating. Some will be a red flag against you and others will score you big points! If you’ve been invited to an interview that will take place over a meal, there are several things you’ll want to think about ahead of time. Here is a list of major do’s and don’ts for mealtime interviews:

Is Job-Hopping Becoming More Acceptable?

June 07, 2018

time for change?A recent Forbes article called, “Millennials, Stop Apologizing for Job-Hopping” just suggested that job-hopping is losing its stigma. Job seekers beware! While it is true that people are changing jobs more frequently, this doesn’t mean that hiring managers overlook this—and in fact, it’s a major red flag for most employers. Here are a few things we still find to be true about job-hopping:

When is it Appropriate to Follow Up on an Application or Interview?

May 31, 2018

woman wondering when to follow upWhen you’re in job search mode, demonstrating enthusiasm and a sense of urgency is important because it helps you show employers that you really want to work for them. While enthusiasm is a good thing, there is a fine line between enthusiastic and annoying. How do you avoid falling into the latter category? Here are 2 examples to help you:

5 Resume Tips for Veterans Starting a Civilian Job Search

May 25, 2018

soldierWe talk to a lot of amazing men and women who have recently separated from the military and many struggle with translating military experience into terms employers and hiring managers will understand. How you market yourself on your resume is so important! It’s critical that you know how to break down the skills and training you’ve had in the military and paint a picture of the value you can add to an organization. We’ve created a short list of suggestions to help you do just that! Here are 5 tips to help you market your military experience to employers: 

How to Negotiate a Raise

May 18, 2018

woman getting a raiseTalking about money is hard and asking for more of it is even harder. The good news is that the economy is strong right now and unemployment is low, and that’s typically an ideal time to ask for a raise. But before you start crunching numbers and adding seats to your Netflix subscription, there are a few things you want to consider. Here are 3 tips to help you successfully negotiate a raise:

7 Things You Need to Know BEFORE You Accept a New Job

May 03, 2018

excited man getting an offer letterJob offers are exciting and they can also be overwhelming—especially if you’ve been in the market for a while. Here are a few important questions to get answered before you sign that offer letter!

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