May 29, 2024

We're seeing the amount of time it takes to land a new job lengthen slightly as we head into the last half of 2024. The average job search in a good hiring market usually takes 3-6 months, but multiple factors influence this like the level of job you're targeting, the industry, the economy, and the overall demand for your skills. If you’ve been sending a high volume of applications and you're not getting many bites, there are a few steps you can take to change that. Here are 4 tips to help you follow-up on your applications, network, and make connections at companies you're targeting:
1. Use LinkedIn to target hiring managers and current employees
LinkedIn is not just for applications, it's also a great research tool. Most businesses have a company page. If you visit it and click on the “People” tab, you’ll get a list of people who work there. When it comes to networking and following up on job applications, choose people who either work in HR, who are listed as recruiters, or people who work in the department you want to join. Send them a short, friendly note to let them know you applied to a job with their company and ask a direct question. For example, “Hi Jen, I’ve been an admirer of [Company Name] and recently applied to the Marketing Analyst role posted on LinkedIn. Do you know who I should contact to follow up on my application? Thanks so much!”
2. Call the company directly
Fortune favors the bold. Many people are reluctant to pick up the phone these days, but what do you have to lose? Google the company and give their main number a call. Sure, it might be awkward and you might get an automated directory, voicemail, or a receptionist who isn't helpful... but there's a chance you can find your way to someone’s voicemail in the right department, or even better—an actual live person may answer their phone (unusual for 2024 to be sure). However, before you do this, think about what you'll say ahead of time in a voicemail or if you happen to speak with someone. Think about how you'll introduce yourself and make note of a few talking points you want to cover. For example, “Hi Tom, my name is Allison Harris and I’ve recently applied to the Marketing Analyst role on your team. I wanted to introduce myself and hopefully follow up on my application. Am I calling you at a good time?" If yes, then continue hitting your talking points. If no, ask when is a better time to give him a call back.
3. Reach out via social media
This is a creative way to get more information about a job. If a company you're targeting has an active social media presence and is in the business of serving customers, they are usually quick to respond on social media (it makes them look good). Pay them a short, but genuine compliment and tell them the job you're interested in. Ask for the name of someone you can reach out to about the position. There’s a good chance you’ll get a response and if you don’t have any names or follow up leads at this point then any information you get will be helpful.
4. Write them a complimentary Google review
If you’re trying to reach someone at a company with very little online or active social media presence, try writing them a nice online review. This is always appreciated and will likely be seen by someone who could help you get your foot in the door. And with smaller companies, it’s more likely that a senior member of their team will see what you wrote and respond to it. Even if it's a bigger company you're targeting, you may be able to start up a conversation with someone in marketing or customer service who can still prove to be a resource for you.
Bottom line...don’t just apply to jobs and sit around and wait for them to make the next move. Taking a proactive follow up approach often makes the difference in getting an interview.
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